Cost of living crisis turns higher education into a privilege

Reselling: The Gen Z sneaker hustle

The Wizarding World of Leadenhall Market

How a rise in responsible drinking culture is helping students settle in London

Trigeminal Neuralgia: Living with my new little demon

Stop telling cancer patients to 'Stay Strong'


Yoga and the whale

5 Mins read

Is Yoga something to consider when suffering with mental or physical pain? And what is it like to lie down directly underneath a giant blue whale skeleton?

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Artist Njideka Akunyili Crosby opens the doors of her home

How Taylor Swift’s new works took over a London bookstore


Jazz: No sell-by date

12 Mins read

With the discussion around the idea of Jazz dying as an art form, we look at the people who disagree with this idea, as they continue to keep the genre alive. Putting their own personalities and influences into their music, they recreate the way in which we listen to Jazz.

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Major League Sports need to start licensing cool merch for women

Barbara Kruger’s exhibition tries to appeal to the 21st century and fails

Trigeminal Neuralgia: Living with my new little demon

'Loneliness is not about how many people I'm surrounded by, but how many people truly understand me.'